Our motto is "Together We Serve” because we represent all of the allied health professions.
The purpose of the Society shall be the promotion and recognition of significant scholarship, leadership, and contributions to the allied health professions.
Allied Health Professions National Honor Society
Approved by Member Chapters on August 15, 2022
Name and Purpose
I.1 This organization shall be called the Alpha Eta Society.
I.2 The motto of the Society shall be “Together We Serve".
I.3 The colors of the Society shall be green and white.
I.4 The purpose of the Society shall be the promotion and recognition of significant scholarship, leadership, and contributions to the Allied Health professions.
II.1 Chapters may be established at institutions of higher education. To be eligible to establish a chapter, the institution must offer three or more Allied Health programs leading to associate, baccalaureate or graduate level degrees. At least five individuals eligible for membership shall be necessary to establish and maintain a chapter
II.2 Alpha Eta chapters may also be established at member institutions of the Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions (ASAHP) and based solely on ASAHP requirements for association membership.
II.3 Each chapter shall be designated by its institutional affiliation and chapter number. If the chapter develops an additional chapter name, that can be used locally, but the official designation will be the institutional affiliation and chapter number.
II.4 A petition to establish a chapter shall be sent to the National Secretary who shall submit it to the Executive Council for consideration. To be approved, the petition must receive affirmative votes of at least two-thirds of the Council.
II.5 Each chapter will be assessed an annual fee, payable by January 1st of each year. All chapter fees and the fees for certificates, pins and honor cords for student faculty, alumni and honorary initiates will be determined by the Executive Council and ratified by members at the annual meeting of the Society.
II.6 Institutions wishing to opt out of paying the annual dues for the year must do so by August 1st, notifying the Treasurer at alphaetanationalhonorsociety@gmail.com
II.7 Institutions that opt out acknowledge they will receive no membership benefits (ordering of merchandise, student eligibility for awards, etc.
II.8 Institutions wishing to opt in after previously opting out, must submit a request to alphaetanationalhonorsociety@gmail.com and pay a renewal fee by June 1st.
II.9 After a chapter becomes, or is declared, inactive for two consecutive years the charter will be rescinded (declared null and void) and all voting privileges will be lost.
III.I The active membership shall consist of:
A. Faculty in Allied Health programs in a member chapter (see Article II.1)
B. Candidates for and alumni of associate’s, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees, or post-degree certificates in an Allied Health program in a member chapter. (See Article II.1)
III.2 Active members of the Society who change residence shall be entitled to affiliation with another local member chapter (see Article II.1) within the respective membership category upon presentation of credentials to the accepting chapter.
Eligibility for Membership
IV.I No more than twenty (20) percent of the graduating class of a specified program shall be invited to membership. In those programs with less than ten students, no more than two (2) students will be invited to membership in any given academic year.
IV.2 The following shall be deemed eligible by the chapter for active membership in the Society. All qualifications listed in Article IV.2 are to be considered as minimal. Any chapter is free to set higher standards for membership, as long as academic qualifications are the essential criteria.
A. Associate’s and Baccalaureate Degree Candidates: Those undergraduate Allied Health students who:
are enrolled in an Allied Health curriculum leading to an associate’s or baccalaureate degree, and shall be in their last year of enrollment in the Allied Health program (see Article III.1,2).
have maintained an overall scholarship average of 3.5 or better (on a 4 point scale) while enrolled in the Allied Health program.
have shown capacity for leadership and achievement (i.e., promise for the profession) in their chosen Allied Health field.
have been recommended by members and approved by the dean of the Allied Health unit or his/her equivalent.
B. Graduate Degree Candidates: Those graduate students who are enrolled in Allied Health programs leading to graduate degrees and:are in their last year of enrollment in an Allied Health graduate program (see Article III.1,2).
have maintained an overall scholarship average of 3.8 or better (on a 4 point scale) while enrolled in the program.
have shown capacity for leadership and achievement (i.e., promise for the profession) in their chosen Allied Health field.
have been recommended by members and approved by the dean of the Allied Health unit or his/her equivalent.
C Certificate Candidates: Those students who are enrolled in a program leading to a certificate of professional competency in an Allied Health program who are in their last year of enrollment in an Allied Health post-degree certificate program (see Article III.1,2).
hold an associate’s, baccalaureate, or graduate degree prior to the completion of the professional certification program.
have shown capacity for leadership and achievement (i.e., promise for the profession) in their chosen Allied Health field.
have been recommended by members and approved by the dean of the Allied Health unit or his/her equivalent.
D. Faculty: The faculty membership shall consist of those individuals who have given evidence of distinguished scholarship, leadership, and service to Allied Health education or practice, and are members of or contribute to the member chapter’s (see Article II.1) educational program. Faculty shall have a minimum of the equivalent of three years of full-time academic experience in their discipline or have attained tenure in order to be eligible for consideration. Faculty members shall have the right to vote and to hold office.
E. Alumni: Alumni membership shall consist of those individuals who:were not elected into the Society while they were students in Allied Health programs in member chapters (see Article II.1) and have graduated.
met the eligibility requirements as stated in IV.2A through IV.2C when they were students, but the Society was not available while they were students.
were elected into the Society as faculty members under IV.2D but who are no longer associated with a chapter.
IV.3 Honorary membership in the National Society or in Chapters of the Society (see Article II.1) shall be restricted to those persons who are not eligible for active membership but who have given evidence of distinguished scholarship and rendered distinguished service to Allied Health.
Those persons may be nominated for honorary membership in the Society or in Chapters of the Society (see Article II.1) by any chapter or by any member of the Executive Council.
The National Secretary must be notified of all those nominated for Honorary membership prior to their induction at the Chapter level.
Election of Members
V. 1 Duly qualified candidates for active membership in the Society shall become members upon meeting the criteria as defined in the member chapter’s bylaws, and by being duly elected as prescribed by those bylaws.
V.2 Duly qualified nominees for honorary membership in the Society shall become members upon meeting the criteria as defined in the member chapter’s bylaws and by being duly elected as prescribed by those bylaws.
V.3 The list of and justification for candidates for honorary membership must be forwarded to the National Secretary prior to induction of that member.
Initiation of member chapter’s members
VI.1 Notice of election to chapter membership shall be made in writing to the new members by the chapter President, after receipt of certificates from the national treasurer.
VI.2 Successful candidates for active and honorary membership shall be initiated by the respective chapter.
VI.3 Duly elected honorary national members shall be inducted into membership, if possible, at the annual convention.
VI.4 A membership certificate obtained from the national office shall be given to each member at the time of initiation. Each certificates shall be imprinted with the national seal, and shall be signed by the chapter president and the chapter secretary.
VI.5 Membership certificates shall not be valid unless ordered from the National Treasurer and shall be purchased by the respective chapter.
National Officers
VII.1 The national officers must be active members of the Society, and shall consist of a President, a President-elect, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Treasurer-elect, and eight (8) at-large members. All officers shall comprise the National Executive Council.
The President shall serve a three-year term of office
The President-elect will serve a three-year term and will assume the presidency at the conclusion of the President’s term of office.
The Secretary shall serve a three-year term of office
The Treasurer shall serve a three-year term of office
The Treasurer-elect will serve a one-year term immediately preceding the term as Treasurer
Eight (8) Board members shall serve a two-year term of office, with four members elected each year
Members of the Executive Council may represent two–year, four-year institutions of higher education, graduate institutions, or academic health centers.
VII.2 The Executive Council shall be the governing body of the Society.
It shall consist of the national officers as well as a liaison representative from ASAHP, appointed by the ASAHP President..
It shall transact all business relating to the Society as a whole in the interim between annual meetings.
Three (3) members of the Executive Council as appointed by the President will serve as the finance committee.
Three (3) members of the Executive Council who are not standing for election shall be the nominating committee.
VII.3 The President shall perform such duties as usually pertain to the Office of President, including preparing the program for the annual meeting. The President shall appoint all committees. The President shall be an ex officio member of all committees except the nominating committee.
VII.4 The President-Elect shall perform the duties of the National President in his/her absence, including preparing the program for the annual meeting.
VII.5 If the President-elect, Secretary and/or Treasurer is unable to complete the elected term of office, the President will appoint a member of the Executive Council to fill this position until the next annual meeting.
VII.6 The National Secretary shall
Keep a record of the Executive Council business
Issue charters and make all arrangements for the installation of chapters and issue chapter membership certificates
Collect and preserve all information of interest to the Society
Publish and send to the chapters, from time to time, papers and reports as requested by the Executive Council.
Keep and publish minutes of all national annual meetings
Develop the agenda for all national annual meetings with the President
Keep an accurate record of all chapter contact information
Chair the Nominating and Bylaws Committees
VII.7 The National Treasurer shall
Maintain the financial records of the organization and do all reporting of the financial status of the organization including preparing annual financial statements and proposed budgets
Oversee bank accounts including appropriate deposits and withdrawals
Issue and send all invoices and collect all receipts
Make all payments for National office
Issue individual membership certificates, pins and honor cords when requested by the chapters
File Tax returns
Chair the Finance Committee
VII.8 Election of Officers
Nominations for office can be made by individuals or chapters to the National Secretary no later than 2 months prior to the national annual meeting
These nominations will be forwarded to the nominating committee for creating a slate
The National Secretary shall prepare and distribute the ballot at the national annual meeting
Additional nominations can be made from the floor of the annual meeting for inclusion on the ballot
Officers are elected at the national annual meeting. Each chapter attending the annual meeting shall have one (1) vote.
The National Secretary will tally the votes.
In case of a tie vote for national officers, the national secretary shall break the tie by polling the national officers.
VII.9 National officers thus elected shall be notified by the national secretary and shall take office immediately. They shall serve for the terms listed herein or until their successors are duly elected and installed.
VII.10 A national officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the chapters or a two-thirds vote of the executive council.
VIII. The following committees shall serve the Society:
VIII.1.1 Nominating Committee
The President shall appoint the two (2) members nominating committee chaired by the Secretary. The Nominating Committee shall develop the slate of candidates for presentation at the annual meeting. Additional nominations will be accepted from the floor of the National Meeting. All candidates will be contacted to assure their acceptance of the nomination.
VIII.1.2 Awards Committee
The Awards Committee shall consist of two (2) members and a chair appointed by the President. The committee will prepare a list of continuing and annual awards to be given by the Society, solicit and identify nominees for those awards and select the recipients. The sole exception is the President’s Award, to be given at the discretion of the President.
VIII.1.3 Finance Committee
The Finance Committee shall consist of two (2) members of the executive council appointed by the president in addition to the Treasurer, who chairs the committee. The committee will review financial statement(s), review the annual budget proposed by the Treasurer, recommend banking in interest bearing accounts (e.g. C.D.’s, Money Market), new initiatives and fund-raising activities. The resulting reviews and recommendations will be presented to the Executive Council.
VIII.1.4 Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee shall consist of two (2) members of the executive council appointed by the president in addition to the secretary, who will chair the committee. The committee will review the bylaws biennially and recommend changes to the national annual meeting for discussion and to the chapters for a vote on any changes
VIII.2 Ad Hoc Committees
The president shall appoint any ad hoc committees that may be deemed necessary for the functioning of the organization.
Chapter Officers
IX.1 Each chapter shall designate in its bylaws at least two elected officers who shall be the President and Secretary-Treasurer. One person can serve in both roles.
IX.2 The chapter’s Executive Council shall consist of the president who shall serve as chairperson, the secretary-treasurer, and a representative from each of the programs offering a degree in Allied Health.
IX.3 Each chapter shall designate in its bylaws the duties of the officers, the duration of their office, and the manner of their election.
IX.4 The chapter secretary shall report to the national secretary at the opening of each school year in the Fall, the names and addresses of the chapter officers. Chapters shall report promptly any changes in this list that may occur during the year.
Annual Meeting
X.1 A meeting of the Society shall be held annually at such time and place as may be determined by the Executive Council. The time and place may be coincident with the annual meeting of the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions.
X.2 Each active chapter shall be entitled to three delegates, one voting and two alternate, at the annual meeting. Alternate delegates elected by the chapter shall be granted all the privileges, except that of voting. One alternate shall be allowed to vote in the absence of the voting delegate.
X.3 The voting body shall consist of one delegate from each chapter and the national officers.
X.4 The delegates attending the annual meeting shall constitute a quorum.
XI.1 The fiscal year for the Society shall be July 1 to June 30.
XII.1 The operating expenses of the national Society shall be determined by the Executive Council and authorized by a majority vote of the delegates at the annual meeting or by mail ballot.
Parliamentary Authority
XIII.1 The rules contained in the latest revised edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Alpha Eta Society in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws of the Society.
XIV.1 Amendments to the bylaws shall require an affirmative vote by a majority of the Executive Council, and an affirmative vote by two-thirds of the total number of active chapters.
XIV.2 All amendments shall be presented in writing, preferably to the national secretary before the annual meeting for distribution at the annual meeting, or at the annual meeting. Balloting on all new amendments shall be by mail, or, if necessary as determined by the Executive Council, at the annual meeting. A special balloting period and/or procedure may be designated at the discretion of the Executive Council.